Perth Harbour offers many facilities, which are listed below.
Harbour Office Opening Hours -
The area of the Tidal Basin is 1.2ha, with 418 metres of quayage. Depths at the quays at low water vary according to the height of the river. All berths at the harbour have a NAABSA classification (Not Always Afloat but Safe Aground).
Ample mobile cranes available for cargo handling with S.W.L. from 5 to 40 tonnes. Bulk grain elevators, forklifts and modern handling machinery are also available.
As an inland port, Perth Harbour is ideally suited to the handling vessels up to 100 metres in length. Normal safe fresh water draft in the upper river is set at 0.7 metres less than the predicted height of tide on which transit is to take place as published in the Harbour Tide & Port Information Book. The maximum fresh water draft permitted is 4.2 metres all the foregoing at the sole discretion of the Harbour Master. During periods of high pressure cuts in the actual tide height may be experienced and additional reduction in draft may be necessary.
The Harbour Master, at their discretion, shall request a vessel to take a supporting vessel/tug on arrival and/or departure.
Bunkering can be carried out from road tankers by arrangement with shipping agents.
Fresh water is available at all berths.
The Perth Harbour office will arrange for the services of local qualified Pilots to assist vessels in making passage between Dundee and Perth.
Perth Harbour monitors VHF Channel 09
Small ship repairs can be undertaken locally.
Depth at low water varies according to the height of the water in the river, but the harbour never dries out. The harbour has a NAABSA classification (Not Always Afloat but Safe Aground). Heights of Spring and Neap tides can vary with barometric pressure, and with the direction of the winds. After periods of heavy rains, or melting snow, a spate is experienced which can considerably increase the height of the river and the strength of current. Under normal conditions the tidal current rate at half flood is typically: Spring 3 knots, Neap 1.5 knots, and at half ebb: Spring 4 to 5 knots, Neap 3 knots.
2 x 50 tonnes (privately owned).
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