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Perth Harbour
Invest in Perth
Perth Harbour

Safety Aims & Objectives 1st January 2024

1. Introduction

The aim of the Port Marine Safety Code is to enhance safety for those who use or work in ports, ships and passengers using them and the maritime environment. The code applies to all harbour authorities in the UK that have statutory powers and duties and therefore applies to Perth Harbour.

The Code provides a measure by which Duty Holder can be accountable for the legal powers and duties which it has to operate the port of Perth safely and to discharge its obligations effectively.

The Perth Harbour Safety Management System applies to marine operations within the port including pilotage, hydrographic and survey operations, mooring, towage, and maintenance of navigational aids.

The responsibility for implementation and compliance with the Code rests with the Duty Holder. The Duty Holder for Perth and Kinross Council is any person with delegated authority in line with the Council’s scheme of administration and are collectively, or individually, responsible for achieving full compliance with all relevant legislation as a minimum.


2. Policy Statement

Perth & Kinross Council recognises its continuing responsibility to provide a healthy and safe working environment. Hence it has implemented a Council Policy in line with the provisions of the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 and the Port Marine Safety Code. Directors are responsible for safe working policies and delegate these responsibilities to competent officers.

A copy of the Perth Harbour Safety Management System is available on the Perth Harbour website.


3. The Safety Management System

The Safety Management System comprises the following principal elements – Introduction, Overview of the Port, Risk Management, Emergency Response Procedures, and Performance Monitoring. The document covers Regulation, Legislation and Guidance, Perth Harbour Documentation, Marine Operations Procedures, Safe Operating Procedures, Incident and Near Miss Reporting, Passage Planning, Risk Assessments and Reporting Requirements & Operations Matrix.


4. Auditing and Performance Review

The safety management system is subject to a systematic review of how well it functions based on information from monitoring and independent audits. This is to ensure that continuous improvement is made in development of policies, procedures, systems and risk control.

The Safety Management System is audited at least once a year independently by the Designated Person and is kept under continuous review by the Harbourmaster to ensure currency. The annual audit is undertaken on behalf of the Duty Holder and the results are reported to him/her formally by the Designated Person.  

Any actions or observations arising from the audit process will be addressed to the satisfaction of the Designated Person who will then confirm the completed actions to the Duty Holder and Harbourmaster.


Performance Objectives




The purpose of this report is to detail the safety aims and objectives that the Harbour should strive to achieve thereby demonstrating the port’s commitment to the Port Marine Safety Code. These Safety Aims and Objectives were last reviewed and updated August 2024.










Continuous review of Harbour Safety Management System and annual independent audit carried out



SMS kept under continuous review for currency + independent audit carried out annually by Designated Person


Audit carried out Nash Maritime Ltd in August 2022






Publish annual report to Duty Holder showing performance of port in relation to SMS


Annual report presented to Duty Holder.


First report published December 2016 and ongoing performace measured






Ensure that Oil Spill Contingency Plan, issued under the authority of the MCA and Port Security Plan, issued under the authority of the DfT, Maritime Transport Security Division remain valid


Approval of OSCP + PFSP valid for 5 years from date of issue. Plans to be kept under review to ensure they remain fit for purpose and updated as necessary in the event of changes in operating procedures 

OSCP to be reviewed and submitted to MCA no later than 11th August 2025.

PFSP to be reviewed and submitted to DfT no later than 1st April 2024







Ensure that Port Emergency Plan remains valid and fit for purpose



PEP kept under continuous review for currency + updated as required


Current Harbour Emergency Plan issued November 2019. Review completed April 2024. 





Carry out periodic mandatory oil spill and security training exercises

Various exercises to be carried out throughout year as detailed in Harbour OSCP and PFSP

Programme of training exercises up to date, as per requirements 





Continuous monitoring and review of existing and potential hazards to navigation



Full river surveys generally carried out at intervals of approximately 10 years. Discrete surveys carried out as and when required on reported changes to nature of shipping channel



Last full river survey carried out by Aspect Land + Hydrographic Surveys November 2016, with additional surveys in 2021 & 2022 as part of safety and proposed capital dredging project. Further Harbour Basin survey carried out December 2023, Feb 2024,& June 2024.

Areas identified will have follow up surveys along side review of Tay Road & Rail bridge - completion Sept 2020







Ensure maximum availability of Aids to Navigation (AtoN) and submit reports + average availability to Northern Lighthouse Board


Target availability 99% (IALA Category 2) over three year rolling period. Reports to be submitted to NLB


Reports are submitted as per NLB requirements - yearly submission (submitted April 2024). 

All AtoNs operating satisfactory








Ensure that Port Waste Management Plan, issued under the authority of the MCA remains valid and annual report submitted




Approval of PWMP valid for 5 years. 




Updated PWMP to be submitted by March 2024 for MCA approval


