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Perth Harbour
Invest in Perth
Perth Harbour

Aids to Navigation (AtoN)

Aids to Navigation


Aids to Navigation Availability 

Perth Harbour Category 2 Navigation Aids maintained an operational average of 99.00% for period 2021 to 2024. 

(updated on 1/07/2024 following NLB Aton Availability Submission) 


I.A.L.A Maritime Buoyage System - Region A Availability Category 2 (99% Availability)

Perth Harbour complies with the IALA Maritime Bouyage requirements. 



FLISK BUOY Fl. G. 3s 56 23.8 N 003 06.2 W Perth Harbour
DEIL BANK BEACON Q. G. 56 22.9 N 003 09.8 W Perth Harbour
BALLINBREICH BEACON Fl. R. 3s 56 22.4 N 003 11.3 W Perth Harbour
CASTLE BEACON Fl.(2) R. 5s 56 22.0 N 003 11.9 W Perth Harbour
JOCK'S HOLE BEACON Q. R. 56 21.8 N 003 12.1 W Perth Harbour
BELL'S BANK BEACON Fl. G. 3s 56 21.7 N 003 13.1 W Perth Harbour
CALIFORNIA BEACON Fl.(2) R. 5s 56 21.7 N 003 12.8 W Perth Harbour
THE HARD BUOY Fl G 3s 56 21.3 N 003 14.2 W Perth Harbour
NEWBURGH HEAD BEACON Fl. R. 3s 56 21.5 N 003 13.7 W Perth Harbour
LINOLEUM / SLIPWAY BEACON Fl.(2) R. 5s 56 21.2 N 003 14.7 W Perth Harbour
RECKIT LADY BEACON Fl.(2)G. 5s 56 21.3 N 003 15.0 W Perth Harbour
PEAT BEACON Q. R. 56 21.1 N 003 16.2 W Perth Harbour
WONDER BEACON Fl. G. 3s 56 21.5 N 003 16.9 W Perth Harbour
CARPOW BEACON Fl.(2) R. 5s 56 21.2 N 003 17.1 W Perth Harbour
CABLE NORTH BANK EAST Q. Y. 56 21.5 N 003 17.9 W SSE
CABLE NORTH BANK WEST Q. Y. 56 21.5 N 003 17.9 W SSE
CABLE SOUTH BANK Fl. Y. 5s. 56 21.2 N 003 17.8 W SSE
GIRNAL BEACON Fl. R. 3s 56 21.3 N 003 18.0 W Perth Harbour
MARE'S HEAD BEACON Fl.(2) R. 5s 56 21.7 N 003 19.2 W Perth Harbour
INCHYRA BEACON L.Fl.W.R. 6s 56 22.2 N 003 19.6 W TRANSCO
RIBNY BEACON Fl.(2) G. 5s 56 22.5 N 003 20.2 W Perth Harbour
RIBNY BUOY Fl. G. 3s 56 22.5 N 003 20.5 W Perth Harbour
PIPELINE BUOY Fl. R. 3s 56 22.5 N 003 20.8 W Perth Harbour
PIPELINE NORTH BANK Iso. G. 4s 56 22.7 N 003 20.9 W Shell U.K.
PIPELINE SOUTH BANK Iso. R. 4s 56 22.5 N 003 20.9 W Shell U.K.
CARFUD BEACON Fl. R. 3s 56 22.6 N 003 21.5 W Perth Harbour
SLEEPLESS INCH OUTER BEACON Fl.(2) R. 5s 56 23.0 N 003 22.8 W Scottish Water
BOWES BEACON Fl. G. 3s 56 23.2 N 003 22.8 W Perth Harbour
SLEEPLESS INCH INNER BEACON Fl. R. 3s 56 23.0 N 003 23.2 W Scottish Water
ORCHARD NOOK BEACON Fl.(2) R. 5s 56 22.8 N 003 23.5 W Perth Harbour
STOCK GREEN BEACON Fl.(2) G. 5s 56 22.8 N 003 24.1 W Perth Harbour
WILLOWGATE PONTOON Fl G 8s 56 22.7 N 003 24.4 W Tay and Earn Trust
FRIARTON BRIDGE SOUTH PIER 2 F.R. (vert) (upstream & downstream) 56 22.8 N 003 24.5 W BEAR (Scotland)
FRIARTON BRIDGE NAVIGATION SPAN                                                 Q. W.(upstream & downstream) 56 22.8 N 003 24.5 W BEAR (Scotland)
FRIARTON BRIDGE NORTH SPAN 2 F.G. (vert) (upstream & downstream) 56 22.8 N 003 24.5 W BEAR (Scotland)
FRIARTON BEACON Fl R 5s 56 22.6 N 003 25.3 W Perth Harbour
MONCRIEFFE ISLAND BEACON Fl. G. 3s 56 22.7 N 003 25.4 W Perth Harbour
OUTFALL BEACON Fl. R. 3s 56 22.8 N 003 25.7 W Scottish Water