Recreational Users of Perth Harbour,
We would like to draw to your attention the recently published MAIB Accident Investigation into the foundering of the leisure vessel Globetrotter, Report No 10/2021.
The accident occurred shortly after the ‘Globetrotter’ had joined the main shipping channel while on passage to its planned fishing ground. The boat was overwhelmed by sudden water ingress and all three of the crew, none of whom were wearing personal floatation devices, entered the water as the boat foundered. Rescue was quickly at hand and, while the owner and one passenger were saved, the other passenger lost his life after becoming entangled in the vessel’s anchor rope.
The MAIB investigation concluded that:
• Globetrotter was not in a seaworthy condition and had not been properly prepared for a trip to sea.
• The boat probably grounded outside the main channel and suffered damage below the waterline during its passage out of the harbour.
• The owner had experience as a leisure boat user but had little appreciation of the risks he was taking and the importance of passage planning.
• The deceased passenger’s chances of survival would probably have been improved had he been wearing a personal flotation device.
• The owner and surviving passenger were very fortunate that help was close by.
The investigation report reflects that there is advice published by the MCA (MGN 599) to assist recreational users in boating safely, although such users are unlikely to be aware of the existence of the document. Potentially more accessible, and more easily assimilated is the 10-point safety checklist contained in Emily’s Code, which was launched in 2017 following the tragic death of Emily Gardner in a not-dissimilar boating accident.
To view Emily's Code, and other Safety information please click here;
Have an enjoyable, and most importantly safe weekend on the water!!
The Perth Harbour Team
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